Adult Volleyball

Adult Volleyball Sunset Series @ Waterfront Park -  Please email if you are interested in participating in a beach volleyball 


NEW in 2024, the Town of Tupper Lake Recreation Department will host adult volleyball! Shake off those winter blues and get active with our intramural co-ed volleyball program! It's the perfect way to get out of the house and have some fun while staying fit.

When: Every Sunday starting at 6 p.m.

Where: Middle/High-school Gymnasium (please use the back door entrance).

What to bring: Sneakers (no wet boots/shoes on the gym floor), $5 to play, a water bottle, and a good attitude!

Do I need to sign up? Yes. While attendance every week isn't mandatory, signing up allows you to play whenever you're available. Plus, by signing our waiver, you're all set to join in the game whenever you're ready! Register Now.

Don't miss out on the action – sign up now and spike your way into a fantastic winter workout!

An illustrated poster advertising a volleyball program for adults.




Tupper Lake Recreation Department

Laura LaBarge, Recreation Director 
Christielee Geiger, Youth Activities Coordinator

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