They bring out the chef in us!
There is something cool and fascinating about s'mores. Whether you are a diehard s'mores fan (you know the ones — they try to replicate them using household appliances such as a microwave or stove burner), or someone who doesn't care for them in the slightest, when it comes to the s'more everyone suddenly has a strong opinion and is an expert chef. Seriously, I can't think of any other single food type where there are so many executive chefs. From what kind of branch makes the best roasting stick to the perfect technique for toasting the marshmallow, every "chef" has their own award-winning formula.
Luckily for me, I'm the only chef here right now, so I'm going to speak freely — the traditional s'more has never really excited me. In fact, since I was young I've found the texture ratio of the hard graham cracker and gooey marshmallow to never quite play well together. Factor in the ice-cold chocolate that always came right from the cooler so it never melted all the way and you really just end up with a sticky mess that is downright hard to eat.
Yes, now I can hear you yelling, and I know the chef in you is telling me that I'm doing it all wrong. Well, that's OK with me, because if something is wrong with the direction I am going in then I have to say that wrong tastes pretty darn good.
S'mores recipes with a twist
Chocolate, strawberries, and cream s'more
With strawberry season in full swing, this recipe seemed fitting to share. The chocolate, strawberries, and cream s'more is sort of like a strawberry shortcake spin-off, but with a little dark chocolate (because after all, chocolate simply makes everything better).

Ingredients: One cake donut, room temperature dark chocolate, two or three medium-sized strawberries, and one or two marshmallows.
- Take the cake donut and cut it in half as you would a bagel. (Insider's tip: The Washboard Laundromat in Tupper Lake offers up some of the Adirondacks' finest cake donuts — made fresh daily).
- Dice up the strawberries and set aside.
- Toast off one or two marshmallows to your liking (I'm a golden brown kinda girl).
- Place marshmallows on the bottom half of the donut, top with a slice of chocolate and the diced strawberries.
- Top with the other half of your donut and dig in.
Optional additional or alternative ingredients:
- Fresh blueberries, blackberries, or raspberries (whatever is in season).
- Nutella instead of chocolate.
- Bacon, because just like chocolate everything is better with bacon! For this one, drop the chocolate and instead drizzle a little Adirondack maple syrup on the inside of the donut before assembling.
Salted chocolate brownie s'more
If you are a sucker for sweet and savory, you will like the way the gooey marshmallow and rich chocolate brownies contrast against the crunchy and salty pretzels.

Ingredients: Two thin to medium brownie squares or one thick brownie sliced in half, pretzels, and one or two marshmallows.
- Cut and prep your brownies — either from the tray you baked or pick up some of the delicious brownies that you can find at Larkin's Junction Deli & Bakery in Tupper Lake.
- Crush up a few pretzels.
- Toast the marshmallows.
- Place marshmallows and crushed up pretzels between the two layers of brownies.
Optional additional or alternative ingredients:
- Carmel
- Peanut butter
- Substitute the brownies for cookies
Inside out s'more
This is my alternative to when I only have the traditional s'more ingredients in front of me. But the concept works just as well with any of your favorite candy bars.

Ingredients: Graham crackers, marshmallow, and chocolate.
- Break graham crackers into small pieces — not crushed but small.
- Toast the marshmallows.
- Stick a few small pieces of graham cracker and the chocolate right inside the toasted marshmallow.
Optional additional or alternative ingredients:
- Rolo's (or any chocolate-covered caramels)
- Mini Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (or standard size cut in half)
- Mini Snickers
Come be a chef, then share your creations

What sweeter way is there to end a day of fun on the water than with a delicious s'more? So, with summer and camping season now in full swing, why not come roast off some gooey marshmallows over an Adirondack campfire? I can't find a reason not to!