44.256944, -74.638056
Long Pond
Massawepie Road, Piercefield

Long Pond is just that, long and a bit narrower than others at Massawepie.

Getting there

From the intersection of Route 30 and Route 3 in Tupper Lake follow Route 3 toward Piercefield. Drive through Piercefield into Gale and locate the Massawepie Boy Scout Camp on the left. Continue down this road for 1.3 miles to the main boat launch for Massawepie Lake, Long Pond can be access here. 


Long Pond can be access from the north via a short carry from the parking area which is also near Round Pond. It can also be accessed via a longer portage from Horseshoe Pond on the south. The south side and much of the east side of the pond is great for birding and the relaxing paddle you will have here is wonderful. 

Type of launch: About 100 foot carry along a path, mostly flat

Type of water: Long Pond’s narrow construction keeps it well protected by the trees, making this a calm paddle under most conditions.    

Phone Numbers
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 01/19/2023 - 11:30