Accessible Features
Accessible car parking onsite available at the venue.
Accessible Van Parking available.
Service Animal relief area available.
Restaurant staff will read the menu to visitors, if requested.
Venue has an accessible welcome/host standor ticket booth that is 36” high maximum or with a lowered section for wheelchair access.
Indoor dining area has wheelchair accessible tables with clearance of 34” high maximum x 30” wide x 19” deep and have 27” minimum knee clearance with no barrier underneath.
Outdoor seating areas accessible to wheelchairs.
Outdoor tables with clearance of 34” high maximum x 30” wide x 19” deep and have 27” minimum knee clearance with no barrier underneath.
Facility has level access or ramp/lift to enter.
Entrance at least 32” wide.
Room to maneuver in each room (36” aisles and 60” turning space).
Staff orientation available.
Informational signage have large print.
Informational signage use high contrast colors.
Informational signage use non-glare materials.
Stall/bathroom has clear floor space that is at least 60" in diameter (allows 180 degree turning radius).
Stall/bathroom has grab bars next to and behind the toilet.
Stall/bathroom has a sink/counter that is open underneath to allow for wheelchair user to approach the sink directly.
Stall/bathroom has faucet control and soap and paper towel dispensers within reach for a wheelchair user.
Stall/bathroom is unisex/allows for companions.
Packages and Promotions
Valid Apr. 4 - Apr. 8
Valid Mar. 24 - Apr. 8
Farm Fresh Buffet & Salad Bar Meal Reservations for Eclipse
ADK Food Hub
Full Buffet with hot offerings from the farm... pastured and organically fed pork and beef & Salad Bar chili, nachos, homemade breads, soup, etc... with a strong focus on delicious, fresh, local, organic and healthy